Title: Cleaning Services
Dream Date:
I remember dreaming I was watching this guy blow off a parking lot with a blower. Then, we went across the street or highway to a shopping center. We went inside a store. The managers name that I spoke to was Karen. She was happy to see us. I was doing some sort of paperwork, then I asked this guy I was working with named Kevin about the store invoice. I remember saying that I invoice at the end of the month for our services.
What Does The Bible Say?
Dreams are metaphorical, which basically means pictures. God speaks to us in our dreams in images, video, and other things. Our goal when seeking to interpret our dreams is to understand the context of the dream. In other words, what is happening.
When trying to figure out your dreams, you want to try to understand WHO or WHAT is the focus of the dream. If you or that object were being followed around with a video camera, who or what would be the center of attention. This is the focus and helps you begin to understand the interpretation process.
As we journey on together, more and more will be shared so that you to may be able to understand and interpret your dreams.
Randy Crain Interpretation:
I had this dream in 2020, and I didnt know why I had the dream. Fast forward almost 3 years, and the understanding of the dream is clearer to me.
So, I am watching a guy with a blower, blowing off a parking lot. In my job at City Church on the facilities team, usually we have one guy that blows off the parking lot for the school almost every day.
The next part is we walk over to a shopping center and go inside a store. A shopping center and store are typically places where lots of people gather, connect, and even spend money. City Church is a place where that happens every day. The church is making purchases everyday for necessary items and supplies for all kinds of things.
The managers name that I spoke to was “Karen” and she was happy to see us. That part of the dream I didn’t quite get, but what it does sound like to me is “caring” or “carry on” which brings me to the next part of the dream.
I asked this guy I was working with named “Kevin” about a store invoice and where it was. I told him that at the end of the month we invoice for all our services. My indirect supervisor that I work for at City Church, his name is “Kelvin”.
I believe God gave me this as a future prophetic dream. In June of 2023, I inquired about a part time job at City Church in the facilities area. This area includes many responsibilities such as cleaning and maintaining of the church building inside and outside. It also includes landscaping of the building grounds and setting up and tearing down for events. Soon after inquiring, I began working part-time in this job. At the beginning of 2024, I started working more on a full time basis. I work about 25 to 30 hours per week on facilities. Then, on Sunday, I work in the tech department on show production.
Dreams are metaphorical, which basically means pictures. God speaks to us in our dreams in images, video, and other things. Our goal when seeking to interpret our dreams is to understand the context of the dream. In other words, what is happening.
When trying to figure out your dreams, you want to try to understand WHO or WHAT is the focus of the dream. If you or that object were being followed around with a video camera, who or what would be the center of attention. This is the focus and helps you begin to understand the interpretation process.
As we journey on together, more and more will be shared so that you to may be able to understand and interpret your dreams.
I had this dream in 2020, and I didnt know why I had the dream. Fast forward almost 3 years, and the understanding of the dream is clearer to me.
So, I am watching a guy with a blower, blowing off a parking lot. In my job at City Church on the facilities team, usually we have one guy that blows off the parking lot for the school almost every day.
The next part is we walk over to a shopping center and go inside a store. A shopping center and store are typically places where lots of people gather, connect, and even spend money. City Church is a place where that happens every day. The church is making purchases everyday for necessary items and supplies for all kinds of things.
The managers name that I spoke to was “Karen” and she was happy to see us. That part of the dream I didn’t quite get, but what it does sound like to me is “caring” which brings me to the next part of the dream.
I asked this guy I was working with named “Kevin” about a store invoice and where it was. I told him that at the end of the month we invoice for all our services. My indirect supervisor that I work for at City Church, his name is “Kelvin”.
I believe God gave me this as a future prophetic dream. In June of 2023, I inquired about a part time job at City Church in the facilities area. This area includes many responsibilities such as cleaning and maintaining of the church building inside and outside. It also includes landscaping of the building grounds and setting up and tearing down for events. Soon after inquiring, I began working part-time in this job. At the beginning of 2024, I started working more on a full time basis. I work about 25 to 30 hours per week on facilities. Then, on Sunday, I work in the tech department on show production.
When I first began to have dreams, I began searching for insight both in the scriptures as well as out in Google land. I found a ministry that teach on Biblical dream interpretation. Through the courses that Streams Ministry International teach, one can learn about Dream Interpretation, Prophecy, and so much more. I would encourage you to visit their website and research their information. In my opinion, you won’t find a more solid Biblical organization to help you learn about dream interpretation, and strengthen your relationship with God. There are certainly other resources about dreams, visions, and the prophetic. However, I encourage you to do your research and find reliable, trustworthy, and of course Biblical sound information.
Their website link is here: https://streamsministries.com/
Here is a great book to start with on learning about Dreams by a very notable author, James Goll. https://hespeaksmedia.com/product/dream-language-james-goll/
Dream Learning....
Job 33:14 “For God speaks time and again, but a person may not notice it.
15) In a dream, a vision in the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber on their beds,
16) He uncovers theirs ears at that time and terrifies them with warnings,
17) in order to turn a person from his actions and suppress his pride.