Membership Information

You have selected the Full Access membership level.

This a group of people on a journey together to learn how God is speaking in Dreams.    
  • Through this group, members will be able to get ONE Dream interpreted per month.  Our expert Dream interpreters will collaborate and give you a personal dream interpretation based on Biblical context and their experience.
  • View journal entries from Randy's personal journaling history.  Throughout Randy's walk with God, Randy has journaled his thoughts, feelings, reasonings, and questions.  This journaling and continued learning has given him great insight as to what God was speaking to him through his dreams.
  •  Connect with other Dreamers.  On a regular basis, He Speaks Media, Live Events, Podcasts, and other events to help people learn and grow in their knowledge of dreams and Biblical studies.
  • Monthly Email Newsletter.  We will never spam you or bombard your email with useless information.  Our monthly email newsletter is short, filled with humorous things to make you laugh, and provide some helpful information for you to grow in your walk with God through Dreams.
  • Through Video, we laugh, cry, and many other emotions by movies, videos, and other content.  Through Media, we will provide useful ways to better apply Biblical principles and learn Scripture to live a better life.

The price for membership is $9.99 now and then $9.99 per Month for 12 more Months.

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